Whether you call them New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, Diamond Children, or Gold Children, these Starseeds or Star People play a role in humanity’s spiritual evolution. Some may refer to them as “the 144000” or Lightworkers, but all of them are here to usher in the New Earth.
Revolution precedes every evolution.
We are living in a time of spiritual evolution. A revolution precedes every evolution. That uprising has been occurring through natural disasters, wars, diseases, food crises, coronavirus, vaccines, and other catastrophes and will continue until the “old” earth systems have collapsed. What will remain lasting will be those systems that support humanity as a collective, not as individuals.
This restructuring has been occurring throughout humanity’s history, and there are individuals playing roles in the revolution so that humankind evolves. Those people could be perceived as rebels, teachers, and healers. They are called by many names because this project of getting people to experience the New Earth, that 5th-dimensional home, has been orchestrated by countless groups throughout time.
Our 3D brain may refer to the groups as being on the Light Team or The Dark Team; however, there is only one team. That is not the nature of this post, though. I want to introduce some groups playing a role in humanity’s journey to the New Earth.
The New Children will Usher in the New Earth
Many years ago, Dolores Canon wrote about the waves of volunteers coming to the planet to assist in humanity’s spiritual evolution. Cerian, the collective, also talks about the waves, though they refer to them as the waves of New Children. It’s similar to Dolores’s work. Depending on their generation, the volunteers can be interdimensional beings from other worlds, starseeds, or directly from Source.
The New Children incarnated on Earth to assist in humanity’s spiritual evolution. We may call them children, but many are adults now. They comprise many different groups and may be referred to as the rebels, Wayshowers, Lightworkers, Starseeds, and other names I will discuss. Yes, they are Starseeds and are here to usher in humankind’s change from its current state to a higher-dimensional being.
Starseeds are from other worlds.
If you believe humanity is the only intelligent lifeform in this universe, this will come as a shock, but I don’t think I will shock many by sharing it.

For Starseeds, Lightworkers, 144,000, and New Children wanting to assist in the shift in consciousness.
Starseeds (Star Seeds) are beings incarnated in human form from other worlds; they are from other star systems. One may suggest that they are aliens walking among us as humans, except, given that there is only the One, there is no such thing as an alien.
Some of these individuals may feel different, while others are clueless. Their acceptance of themselves and the role they are to play depends on many factors, such as their generation, their family, friends, social standing, beliefs, etc. For the new generations coming in, the Diamond Children, Rainbow Children, and Crystal Children, their acceptance of their roles will be easier than the Indigo Children (now adults) and the older generation of Starseeds who didn’t get named.
Wave 1: Indigo Children or Indigo Adults are the rebels.
Indigo Children are first-generation New Children, and they are now adults. These individuals incarnated to bring about a new age of peace. Though not always, most were born throughout the late 70s to the early 90s. They are usually sensitive and psychic. Their role is to incite change in society, the environment, and government so that Earth is a place of integrity. They are often called rebels, troublemakers, and even the problem child growing up.
Wave 2: Crystal Children teach how to live from the heart.
The second-generation New Child is the Crystal Child. These kids or adults started embodying in the mid-nineties and are still coming in. They are here to usher us into the New Earth by showing how people can live in kindness, peace, and love. They are full of integrity and often telepathic, though they may be perceived as slow or autistic. These individuals are far from slow. Living from the heart comes easily to them, and that is what they will teach us and what we need to shift to the New Earth.
Wave 3: Rainbow Children are higher dimensional beings.
The Rainbow Child is a third-generation New Child. These children started coming in around the turn of the century and are still incarnating. They are higher- dimensional beings from perhaps the ninth dimension and convey pure love. As odd as this may sound, it is their first Earth incarnation, and they are here to generate unconditional love and play an essential role in the New Earth as they age.
Wave 4: Diamond Children are walking healers.
Diamond Children are fourth-generation Star Children, and some are first-timers to Earth. There are some Diamond Children here. Adult Starseeds must evolve and birth the Diamond Child, embodying Divine Light. The Diamond Children possess the most advanced psychic skills, including telepathic communication and telekinesis, and are instant manifestors.
The concepts of anger, hatred, fear, greed, and separation are as foreign to Diamond Children as the concept of Oneness is to the majority of the planet at this time. The Diamond Child resonates with the highest frequency of Divine, Pure, Unconditional Love. They hold the DNA patterning that awakens all those near them who are ready to overcome the illusion. They are walking healers. However, the Earth’s frequency must elevate to accommodate a significant mass of incarnating Diamond People. The Autistic Avatars assist with this work.
Wave 5: Gold Children are energy conduits.
The newest group of New Children, the fifth wave, began incarnating around 2012, plus or minus a few years. “They are powerful energy conduits and can help bring in and embody the new frequencies and harmonize the latest and the old frequencies or energies.”
The Gold Children are “excellent transmitters” as they embody the new energies and harmonize them with the existing energies dormant within Mother Gaia, allowing for the bending of these two energies. According to Cerian, the Gold Children make it less challenging for Mother Earth and humanity to bring these new energies in and work with them. These children receive and transform the New Earth energies so that the energies are easier for Mother Gaia and everything within and on Earth, including humans.
The Gold Children have an X-code (or Code X) in their DNA structure. This X-code includes a new metallic substance, gold strands entwined in the DNA structure. This metallic substance is reminiscent of liquid gold, as it is soft and malleable and has Consciousness.
All these generations play their role in assisting humankind in its evolution to the New Earth.
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