Reviews of My Work
GODS IN THE GAME will shift mindset, ignite curiosity, and open eyes!
A potent, passionate and powerful follow-up to the ground-breaking Destination New Earth. Gods in the Game is a mind-bending journey into the world of…
If you ever questioned WHY on any level, this book is a must-read.
“As a person who has spent the majority of my life seeking the truth regarding reality and our place within it, I was intrigued…
A much-needed voice for our times
Alex's voice in Gods in the Game serves as an oasis in the midst of all the chaos on Planet Earth at this juncture. …
Challenges traditional notions of autism and religion and gives hope
I started reading Alex Marcoux’s newest book with great interest and open-mindedness. I have read and enjoyed all of her books, most notably her…
Readers’ Favorite says, “Fresh, well-written and enlightening!”
"Gods in the Game" aims to uncover truths and help heal the world. Alex Marcoux and Shauna Kalicki introduced readers to the message of…
5 Stars for “Gods in the Game” from Readers’ Favorite
Enjoyable. "Gods in the Game" reveals many truths about living your authentic self and finding your Divine Blueprint." Gods in the Game is a…