Ascension Glossary

New Earth and Ascension Glossary

The New Earth & Ascension Glossary supports those seeking information on spiritual awakening and the consciousness shift. Additionally, it was created for those seeking further clarification on terms in Alex Marcoux’s books Gods in the Game: Messages on the Awakening and Consciousness ShiftDestination New Earth: A Blueprint to 5D Consciousness, and The Unsuspected Heroes, book #1 of A Journey to the New Earth. There is also information on Archangels, Ascended Masters, Anunnaki, and more.

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  • The Lamed-Vav Tzadikim, or 36 Righteous Ones, is a widely-held Jewish belief that in every generation, 36 righteous individuals walk this Earth to greet Shekhinah or the Divine Presence. Many segments in Judaism believe that the 36 Righteous One’s role is to justify humankind’s purpose to God.(...)
  • A Journey to the New Earth book series by Alex Marcoux is a work of visionary and metaphysical fiction, taking the reader on a journey of spiritual awakening and to the New Earth, the next evolution of humanity and Gaia. This series was inspired by real events. [caption(...)
  • Acausal events are actions that occur independently from each other. Events that occur independently from each other are acausal. In other words, one event does not cause the other. However, while acausal events may not cause each other, they have a common cause—our intention. It is our(...)
  • The akasha in Sanskrit means ether. The Akashic records are a type of life force that records all past, present, and future events, thoughts, emotions, words, intentions of all lifeforms and entities, including humans. The records are encoded in the ethers, a nonphysical dimension.
  • An alien-human hybrid is a starseed, has a human body and an alien spirit. Alien scouts select human fetuses that would not survive birth that have a specific bloodline. The dormant DNA is activated to accommodate a higher vibrational spirit. This manipulation occurs after conception. At a(...)
  • Lady Anna is an Ascended Master of the Cosmic Council who was in various embodiments, including the Essene, known as the grandmother of Jesus. She lived for more than 600 years and worked with many celestial beings to bring together key players, including Mother Mary, Jesus, and Mary(...)
  • The Anunnaki are extraterrestrials that came to Earth to mine gold to help repair Nibiru. While most believe Nibiru was their home planet, some speculate it is a battlestar. They were involved in humankind’s creation and manipulating humanity’s DNA. Their stories continued in the myths of(...)
  • The Anunnaki are extraterrestrials that came to Earth to mine gold to help repair Nibiru. While most believe Nibiru was their home planet, some speculate it is a battlestar. They were involved in humankind’s creation and manipulating humanity’s DNA. Their stories continued in the myths of(...)
  • The Anunnaki are extraterrestrials that came to Earth to mine gold to help repair Nibiru. While most believe Nibiru was their home planet, some speculate it is a battlestar. They were involved in humankind’s creation and manipulating humanity’s DNA. Their stories continued in the myths of(...)
  • The prophet Enoch walked Earth for hundreds of years before he ascended, then transitioned to Archangel Metatron. He works with the new generations of children; Crystal Children, Indigo Children, and those seeking esoteric knowledge. Metatron is often associated with Metatron’s cube, sacred(...)
  • The prophet Enoch walked Earth for hundreds of years before he ascended, then transitioned to Archangel Metatron. He works with the new generations of children; Crystal Children, Indigo Children, and those seeking esoteric knowledge. Metatron is often associated with Metatron’s cube, sacred(...)
  • The prophet Enoch walked Earth for hundreds of years before he ascended, then transitioned to Archangel Metatron. He works with the new generations of children; Crystal Children, Indigo Children, and those seeking esoteric knowledge. Metatron is often associated with Metatron’s cube, sacred(...)
  • Mikael or Michael is an archangel, a member of the Cosmic Council, and a former opponent of Hakathriel. People often call upon Michael for protection against evil and the devil. He is a member of the Cosmic Council and has teamed up with his brother to give humanity another opportunity at(...)
  • Mikael or Michael is an archangel, a member of the Cosmic Council, and a former opponent of Hakathriel. People often call upon Michael for protection against evil and the devil. He is a member of the Cosmic Council and has teamed up with his brother to give humanity another opportunity at(...)
  • Organic artificial intelligence represents approximately 75 percent of Earth’s “human” population; however, they are not human as they do not have a soul. They appear as human and would not know they are AI. They are not on the same evolutionary path as humans. They are for the growth of the(...)
  • An Ascended Master experiences ascension to Source. They come in and out of physicality and know how to control their physical form. When in the body, they are aware that they are Source and seen in separateness by others but are still part of Source. They know themselves as both Source and a(...)
  • An Ascended Master experiences ascension to Source. They come in and out of physicality and know how to control their physical form. When in the body, they are aware that they are Source and seen in separateness by others but are still part of Source. They know themselves as both Source and a(...)
  • Ascension is the experience of moving to Source (God). When ascending, one has the awareness, insight, and ability to manipulate the human body’s electromagnetic field so that it may disperse and reappear. When ascending, one recognizes that Spark of Light within and knows what it is and how(...)
  • Astral projection is more commonly known as out-of-body experience (OBE), whereby the astral body leaves the physical body and travels on a nonphysical plane. Some believe the astral and physical bodies remain connected by a silver cord (Ecclesiastes 12:6-12:7).
  • Astral projection is more commonly known as out-of-body experience (OBE), whereby the astral body leaves the physical body and travels on a nonphysical plane. Some believe the astral and physical bodies remain connected by a silver cord (Ecclesiastes 12:6-12:7).
  • Atlantis was an ancient civilization that existed for over two hundred thousand years in three different phases, beginning as a massive supercontinent and ending as islands in the Atlantic Ocean, sinking around 10,500 BC. Over thousands of years, the Atlantean consciousness fell. The fall was(...)
  • Atlantis Temple of Poseidon The Atlantis Temple of Poseidon was a place of worship on one of the last standing islands of Atlantis, Poseida.
  • Atlantis Temple of Poseidon The Atlantis Temple of Poseidon was a place of worship on one of the last standing islands of Atlantis, Poseida.
  • Each human body is comprised of overlapping energy patterns within auric layers. The physical body itself is a condensed form of energy that we perceive as density, i.e., the physical body. Seven levels of consciousness extend beyond the physical body and represent the aura. These layers may(...)
  • Each human body is comprised of overlapping energy patterns within auric layers. The physical body itself is a condensed form of energy that we perceive as density, i.e., the physical body. Seven levels of consciousness extend beyond the physical body and represent the aura. These layers may(...)
  • Each human body is comprised of overlapping energy patterns within auric layers. The physical body itself is a condensed form of energy that we perceive as density, i.e., the physical body. Seven levels of consciousness extend beyond the physical body and represent the aura. These layers may(...)
  • Each human body is comprised of overlapping energy patterns within auric layers. The physical body itself is a condensed form of energy that we perceive as density, i.e., the physical body. Seven levels of consciousness extend beyond the physical body and represent the aura. These layers may(...)
  • According to the psychiatric community, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. The effects of ASD and the severity of symptoms are(...)
  • According to the psychiatric community, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. The effects of ASD and the severity of symptoms are(...)
  • According to the psychiatric community, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. The effects of ASD and the severity of symptoms are(...)
  • The Autist Collective is a group of silent heroes, nonspeaking Autists working around the planet to help humanity through this consciousness shift. Think of them as God’s Secret Service. They are the leaders in the awakening; without their work, humanity would not be as far along in its(...)
  • There is a collective of autistics around the planet who help shift the frequency of Earth to impact a more significant population for spiritual ascension. They are the Awesome Ones or Autist Collective. Thirty-six nonverbal Autistic Avatars (a/k/a Pure Autists) lead the autist-collective.(...)
  • There is a collective of autistics around the planet who help shift the frequency of Earth to impact a more significant population for spiritual ascension. They are the Awesome Ones or Autist Collective. Thirty-six nonverbal Autistic Avatars (a/k/a Pure Autists) lead the autist-collective.(...)
  • There is a collective of autistics around the planet who help shift the frequency of Earth to impact a more significant population for spiritual ascension. They are the Awesome Ones or Autist Collective. Thirty-six nonverbal Autistic Avatars (a/k/a Pure Autists) lead the autist-collective.(...)
  • There is a collective of autistics around the planet who help shift the frequency of Earth to impact a more significant population for spiritual ascension. They are the Awesome Ones or Autist Collective. Thirty-six nonverbal Autistic Avatars (a/k/a Pure Autists) lead the autist-collective.(...)
  • The word “Autist(s)” with an uppercase “A” denotes an individual(s) on the Pure Autist Spectrum. An Autist is an autistic person who knowingly or unknowingly works on the planetary shift in consciousness.   See “Pure Autists.”
  • The word “Autist(s)” with an uppercase “A” denotes an individual(s) on the Pure Autist Spectrum. An Autist is an autistic person who knowingly or unknowingly works on the planetary shift in consciousness.   See “Pure Autists.”
  • Avyon, Avalon, and Maldek were three planets in our universe that were destroyed during a conflict between the Reptilians and Humanoids. Many souls on Earth today were involved in these catastrophes, leaving soul scars. The concern among the Ascended Masters is that, if Earth is destroyed in(...)
  • Avyon, Avalon, and Maldek were three planets in our universe that were destroyed during a conflict between the Reptilians and Humanoids. Many souls on Earth today were involved in these catastrophes, leaving soul scars. The concern among the Ascended Masters is that, if Earth is destroyed in(...)
  • Avyon, Avalon, and Maldek were three planets in our universe that were destroyed during a conflict between the Reptilians and Humanoids. Many souls on Earth today were involved in these catastrophes, leaving soul scars. The concern among the Ascended Masters is that, if Earth is destroyed in(...)
  • Avyon, Avalon, and Maldek were three planets in our universe that were destroyed during a conflict between the Reptilians and Humanoids. Many souls on Earth today were involved in these catastrophes, leaving soul scars. The concern among the Ascended Masters is that, if Earth is destroyed in(...)
  • Organic artificial intelligence represents approximately 75 percent of Earth’s “human” population; however, they are not human as they do not have a soul. They appear as human and would not know they are AI. They are not on the same evolutionary path as humankind and are here for the growth of(...)
  • Organic artificial intelligence represents approximately 75 percent of Earth’s “human” population; however, they are not human as they do not have a soul. They appear as human and would not know they are AI. They are not on the same evolutionary path as humankind and are here for the growth of(...)
  • Organic artificial intelligence represents approximately 75 percent of Earth’s “human” population; however, they are not human as they do not have a soul. They appear as human and would not know they are AI. They are not on the same evolutionary path as humankind and are here for the growth of(...)
  • Organic artificial intelligence represents approximately 75 percent of Earth’s “human” population; however, they are not human as they do not have a soul. They appear as human and would not know they are AI. They are not on the same evolutionary path as humankind and are here for the growth of(...)
  • Organic artificial intelligence represents approximately 75 percent of Earth’s “human” population; however, they are not human as they do not have a soul. They appear as human and would not know they are AI. They are not on the same evolutionary path as humankind and are here for the growth of(...)
  • Beingness is our true nature, our natural state, and also known as Truth. It may be referred to as everything and sometimes nothing.
  • Beingness is our true nature, our natural state, and also known as Truth. It may be referred to as everything and sometimes nothing.
  • Beingness is our true nature, our natural state, and also known as Truth. It may be referred to as everything and sometimes nothing.
  • Beingness is our true nature, our natural state, and also known as Truth. It may be referred to as everything and sometimes nothing.
  • The Blue Ray Alliance is a subgroup of the Cosmic Council, or Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light (formerly Great White Brotherhood), who chose to embody in various timelines, including the 21st century, to assist humanity in achieving ascension averting the destruction of Earth. What does the(...)
  • The Bridge Autists are Pure Autists that are a little more embodied than the Ethereal Autists. They serve as a bridge between humanity and the higher realms (Ethereal Autists).
  • The Bridge Autists are Pure Autists that are a little more embodied than the Ethereal Autists. They serve as a bridge between humanity and the higher realms (Ethereal Autists).
  • The Bridge Autists are Pure Autists that are a little more embodied than the Ethereal Autists. They serve as a bridge between humanity and the higher realms (Ethereal Autists).
  • Catalytic Autists work with specific energies that are creative catalysts to shift consciousness benefiting humanity in ways not necessarily understood. This type of Pure Autist may or may not be aware of their work. Society often refers to many of them as having Asperger’s.
  • Catalytic Autists work with specific energies that are creative catalysts to shift consciousness benefiting humanity in ways not necessarily understood. This type of Pure Autist may or may not be aware of their work. Society often refers to many of them as having Asperger’s.
  • A causative effect is factors that cause something to occur.
  • Cerian is a conscious, sentient, collective expression of an energetic field or vibrational pattern of expressions from the sixteenth dimension. Unique expressions comprise Cerian, including a soul expression of Daniel, the Ethereal Autist, and Shauna Kalicki, the medium that channels Cerian.
  • Chakras are energy centers located in the spiritual bodies of a person. These centers channel the universal life force energy in and out of the physical and spiritual selves. Some refer to the life force energy as Qi/Chi, consciousness, or even the soul. The chakras are considered both(...)
  • Chakras are energy centers located in the spiritual bodies of a person. These centers channel the universal life force energy in and out of the physical and spiritual selves. Some refer to the life force energy as Qi/Chi, consciousness, or even the soul. The chakras are considered both(...)
  • The Chrysalis Gold Grid is a subset lattice of the Christ Consciousness Grid  (Unity Grid and Ascension Grid) the autistics created so they can access the grid and perform gridding to upgrade it with the required patterning and technology to assist in the awakening and ascension of(...)
  • Clairalience is the psychic ability of clear smelling; to smell non-physical matter. Smelling your deceased grandmother’s perfume or grandfather’s cigar smoke would be an example of clairalience.
  • Clairsentience is the psychic ability to feel clearly, which is more commonly associated with gut feelings and empathy. It is the ability to tune into another person’s physical and mental state and experience their energy. A person who has clairsentience is clairsentient.
  • Clairsentience is the psychic ability to feel clearly, which is more commonly associated with gut feelings and empathy. It is the ability to tune into another person’s physical and mental state and experience their energy. A person who has clairsentience is clairsentient.
  • Clairsentience is the psychic ability to feel clearly, which is more commonly associated with gut feelings and empathy. It is the ability to tune into another person’s physical and mental state and experience their energy. A person who has clairsentience is clairsentient.
  • Clairvoyance is the psychic ability of clear-seeing, more commonly associated with visions, vivid dreams, daydreams, or seeing auras. A clairvoyant has the psychic ability of clairvoyance.
  • Clairvoyance is the psychic ability of clear-seeing, more commonly associated with visions, vivid dreams, daydreams, or seeing auras. A clairvoyant has the psychic ability of clairvoyance.
  • Consciousness is pure energy. It is the expansion, the contraction. It is within everything and is without, meaning it is the container and beyond the container. Consciousness is the creation. It is the thought. It is the energy behind the thought. It is the physical form. It is the life spark(...)
  • Consciousness is pure energy. It is the expansion, the contraction. It is within everything and is without, meaning it is the container and beyond the container. Consciousness is the creation. It is the thought. It is the energy behind the thought. It is the physical form. It is the life spark(...)
  • Consciousness is pure energy. It is the expansion, the contraction. It is within everything and is without, meaning it is the container and beyond the container. Consciousness is the creation. It is the thought. It is the energy behind the thought. It is the physical form. It is the life spark(...)
  • Consciousness is pure energy. It is the expansion, the contraction. It is within everything and is without, meaning it is the container and beyond the container. Consciousness is the creation. It is the thought. It is the energy behind the thought. It is the physical form. It is the life spark(...)
  • Crystal Children are second-generation New Children. These children or individuals started coming in during the mid-nineties and are still incarnating. They are here to usher the world into the New Earth by showing how people can live in peace, kindness, and love. They are full of integrity(...)
  • A Crystal Skull Guardian is an individual who has worked with ancient crystal skulls in other timelines (lifetimes). The Mitchell Hedges skull is an example of an ancient skull. In the current lifetime, a Crystal Skull Guardian would be drawn to crystal skulls and here to work for humanity at(...)
  • A Crystal Skull Guardian is an individual who has worked with ancient crystal skulls in other timelines (lifetimes). The Mitchell Hedges skull is an example of an ancient skull. In the current lifetime, a Crystal Skull Guardian would be drawn to crystal skulls and here to work for humanity at(...)
  • Crystal skulls are crystals that have been carved into the shape of a head’s skeleton. Some form human replicas, others alien. Most are modern, while some are from ancient times and reportedly programmed. The new crystals can be activated when around either ancient skulls or other skulls that(...)
  • The Dark Brotherhood or Dark Team is a group of beings who are in service to the self, rather than the whole. They seek material wealth and control over others through power, hierarchy, and competition. Being of Service to the Self [caption id="attachment_10601" align="aligncenter"(...)
  • Diamond Children are fourth-generation New Children, and some are first-timers on Earth. There is a small number of Diamond Children here. Adult New Children must evolve to birth the Diamond Children, who fully embody Divine Light. The Diamond Children possess the most advanced psychic skills,(...)
  • Everyone comes into this world with unique gifts and talents that only they can share. Your Divine Blueprint resides within—it is what you most desire, a calling or a longing. It is who you inherently are, and it is to bring forth this magical expression of your soul’s essence into this world.(...)
  • Everyone comes into this world with unique gifts and talents that only they can share. Your Divine Blueprint resides within—it is what you most desire, a calling or a longing. It is who you inherently are, and it is to bring forth this magical expression of your soul’s essence into this world.(...)
  • Everyone comes into this world with unique gifts and talents that only they can share. Your Divine Blueprint resides within—it is what you most desire, a calling or a longing. It is who you inherently are, and it is to bring forth this magical expression of your soul’s essence into this world.(...)
  • Everyone comes into this world with unique gifts and talents that only they can share. Your Divine Blueprint resides within—it is what you most desire, a calling or a longing. It is who you inherently are, and it is to bring forth this magical expression of your soul’s essence into this world.(...)
  • The Divine Feminine is part of the New Earth Energies and critical for this shift. As we work on our own awakening, humanity’s vibrational patterns change, and we can access this Divine Feminine frequency. We are open to receiving this information now. The Divine Feminine is not about women(...)
  • Duality is positive and negative concepts or aspects that conflict. It is opposing forces that create contrast and potential chaos. Duality is polarity with judgment. See polarity.
  • The ego is the self, which keeps the individual in density, in physicality (the illusion), believing one is separate from Source (God).
  • Embodiment is when the higher self joins in physical form while retaining the connection with the higher self. It is the infusion of Light from the higher self to physicality. You can also consider it a spiritual evolution, integrating the higher self in physicality or enlightenment. See(...)
  • Embodiment is when the higher self joins in physical form while retaining the connection with the higher self. It is the infusion of Light from the higher self to physicality. You can also consider it a spiritual evolution, integrating the higher self in physicality or enlightenment. See(...)
  • The end of days is a period preceding the Earth’s ascension to a higher realm. It is also called the end times, final days, and others, often associated with a cataclysmic end on Earth. However, it is the period before the planetary ascension. What is End of Days? See Master Blueprint.
  • The end of days is a period preceding the Earth’s ascension to a higher realm. It is also called the end times, final days, and others, often associated with a cataclysmic end on Earth. However, it is the period before the planetary ascension. What is End of Days? See Master Blueprint.
  • Enlightenment is gaining insight or wisdom into one’s true essence and Divine state. It is knowing who you are while in physical form, living in this higher awareness while here on Earth, and consciously transitioning into Source. The enlightened one’s physical form remains and does not(...)
  • An entity attachment occurs when the energy or spirit of a deceased person or entity of a different dimension attaches to a living person. The unwelcome guest(s) usually connects to weaknesses in an individual’s human energy field or aura and is typically undetected by the person. What is an(...)
  • An entity attachment occurs when the energy or spirit of a deceased person or entity of a different dimension attaches to a living person. The unwelcome guest(s) usually connects to weaknesses in an individual’s human energy field or aura and is typically undetected by the person. What is an(...)
  • An entity attachment occurs when the energy or spirit of a deceased person or entity of a different dimension attaches to a living person. The unwelcome guest(s) usually connects to weaknesses in an individual’s human energy field or aura and is typically undetected by the person. What is an(...)
  • An entity attachment occurs when the energy or spirit of a deceased person or entity of a different dimension attaches to a living person. The unwelcome guest(s) usually connects to weaknesses in an individual’s human energy field or aura and is typically undetected by the person. What is an(...)
  • An epiphany may also be referred to as a download of information. It is a sudden realization about something’s meaning, an intuitive leap of understanding, or communication with Source. To a different degree, given that we are programs, we’ve made agreements to experience physicality, a(...)
  • An epiphany may also be referred to as a download of information. It is a sudden realization about something’s meaning, an intuitive leap of understanding, or communication with Source. To a different degree, given that we are programs, we’ve made agreements to experience physicality, a(...)
  • The Ethereal Autists are those Pure Autists who work in the ethers with energies in other dimensions. They permit humanity to use the new energy coming to the planet to awaken. They serve humankind in the planetary shift in many different ways. The medical community mistakenly considers these(...)
  • We are currently partaking in an evolutionary path of triggering a collective shift in consciousness. The consciousness shift is the process of spiritual awakening that moves the individual into a higher level of consciousness and a higher, lighter vibrational frequency—shifting from a(...)
  • We are currently partaking in an evolutionary path of triggering a collective shift in consciousness. The consciousness shift is the process of spiritual awakening that moves the individual into a higher level of consciousness and a higher, lighter vibrational frequency—shifting from a(...)
  • We are currently partaking in an evolutionary path of triggering a collective shift in consciousness. The consciousness shift is the process of spiritual awakening that moves the individual into a higher level of consciousness and a higher, lighter vibrational frequency—shifting from a(...)
  • Facilitated communication is a supported typing method that helps some nonspeaking autistics communicate. Because many Autists do not fully physically embody, and part of them remains in higher dimensions, they are not always in control of their bodies, making simple typing difficult. The(...)
  • Facilitated communication is a supported typing method that helps some nonspeaking autistics communicate. Because many Autists do not fully physically embody, and part of them remains in higher dimensions, they are not always in control of their bodies, making simple typing difficult. The(...)
  • The fall in consciousness in Atlantis occurred over thousands of years. Atlanteans fell from a high state of consciousness, from the sixth to the third dimension. It was part of the Master Blueprint and plan. The fall to the lower realms placed humanity on a duality consciousness grid where(...)
  • Fifth-dimension (5D) energy light is energy that is currently in humanity’s consciousness, but humankind is not aware of what it is.
  • Fifth-dimension (5D) energy light is energy that is currently in humanity’s consciousness, but humankind is not aware of what it is.
  • Gaia is the goddess, Mother Earth, and is the Divine Feminine in this universe. She is also the personification of fertility, creation, destruction, motherhood, and nature. Gaia is an aspect of the Ascended Master, Mary Magdalene. Who is Mother Gaia? See Mary Magdalene. See Book(...)
  • Gaia is the goddess, Mother Earth, and is the Divine Feminine in this universe. She is also the personification of fertility, creation, destruction, motherhood, and nature. Gaia is an aspect of the Ascended Master, Mary Magdalene. Who is Mother Gaia? See Mary Magdalene. See Book(...)
  • Suspend any previous teachings on God (Source) and Creation. Go back to before the creation of all universes and galaxies. Go back to the first breath of Source. The Galactic Suns are one of the first Emanations of Source Energy, Source’s first exhale. In this first breath, there were/are many(...)
  • Suspend any previous teachings on God (Source) and Creation. Go back to before the creation of all universes and galaxies. Go back to the first breath of Source. The Galactic Suns are one of the first Emanations of Source Energy, Source’s first exhale. In this first breath, there were/are many(...)
  • The Gatekeeper of the Great White Brotherhood (or Cosmic Council) regularly embodies across time and space and reports back to higher levels of consciousness (the Ascended Masters) regarding events on Earth. This gatekeeper is a member of the Blue Ray Alliance. Who is the Gatekeeper of the(...)
  • The term "God" is a human construct created to define the Source of our existence. It is humanity’s attempt to define the undefinable. The patriarchy personified God erroneously, and while the concept of God is flawed, it does not mean that the Source behind all things does not exist. The(...)
  • The Gold Children are the newest generation of New Children. They began embodying around 2012 and are powerful energy conduits that help bring in and embody the new frequencies while harmonizing the old frequencies or energies. They have an X-code in their DNA structure, which includes a new(...)
  • The Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light (formerly the Great White Brotherhood) is a group of Ascended Masters and Archangels that work with those on a spiritual path of every race, religion, or social status. Many members work alongside humanity in physical form and incognito to raise the(...)
  • The Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light (formerly the Great White Brotherhood) is a group of Ascended Masters and Archangels that work with those on a spiritual path of every race, religion, or social status. Many members work alongside humanity in physical form and incognito to raise the(...)
  • Gridding is an action some autistics perform on the Christ Consciousness Grid. The Dark Team intentionally sabotages the grid to undermine the work of the autistics. When an autist senses that lifeforms consciously or unconsciously interact with the Christ Consciousness Grid and alter its(...)
  • Hakathriel is an archangel, a member of the Cosmic Council who, in one incarnation, as an Anunnaki, was Enki and taught ancient secrets to humankind. For this, he was dubbed the angel of the bottomless pit by his brother, Enlil, becoming known as Lucifer, or the Devil and Satan. He became(...)
  • The higher self is the soul, and it is multidimensional. Our other lifetimes (expressions) are tethered to the higher self. It is where the collective consciousness begins, the Christ Consciousness exists, and the realm of sacred geometry exists. See “multidimensionality.”
  • The higher self is the soul, and it is multidimensional. Our other lifetimes (expressions) are tethered to the higher self. It is where the collective consciousness begins, the Christ Consciousness exists, and the realm of sacred geometry exists. See “multidimensionality.”
  • A hologram is a two-dimensional or flat surface that appears to have a third dimension. It has the illusion of having depth. The holographic principle suggests the universe’s contents originated as mathematics encoded on a boundary surrounding the entire cosmos.
  • The Humanoid Experiment is a game in which every soul chose to participate; only the veil of consciousness obscures the Truth. It is one of the greatest deceptions of all time. Source (God) wanted to experience everything, creating darkness to experience polarity. Obstacles were(...)
  • The Humanoid Experiment is a game in which every soul chose to participate; only the veil of consciousness obscures the Truth. It is one of the greatest deceptions of all time. Source (God) wanted to experience everything, creating darkness to experience polarity. Obstacles were(...)
  • Everything, all matter, thoughts, and feelings, is energy. The third dimension is very dense and deceptive because humankind exists in the higher realms, the Spirit realms. Humans have a physical or “real” experience through agreements and veils. The ego makes the illusion formidable, which(...)
  • Everything, all matter, thoughts, and feelings, is energy. The third dimension is very dense and deceptive because humankind exists in the higher realms, the Spirit realms. Humans have a physical or “real” experience through agreements and veils. The ego makes the illusion formidable, which(...)
  • An imprint is a download of various experiences or lifetimes of others who have lived. It is common for the newer generations of New Children who have not had Earth incarnations before to have these downloads of these experiences so that life on Earth is not so foreign to them.
  • Indigo Children are first-generation New Children. These people incarnated to bring about a new age of peace. Though not always, they were usually born throughout the late ’70s to early ’90s. They are typically sensitive, psychic, and here to cause a change in society, the environment, and(...)
  • Intuition is insight, inner knowing (without having a reason to know it). It is knowing from the higher self.
  • The Cosmic Christ is an Ascended Master of the Cosmic Council or Great White Brotherhood. He has been known in various embodiments and expressions, including Jesus or Yeshua. He is a member of the Blue Ray Alliance. Yeshua,(...)
  • The Cosmic Christ is an Ascended Master of the Cosmic Council or Great White Brotherhood. He has been known in various embodiments and expressions, including Jesus or Yeshua. He is a member of the Blue Ray Alliance. Yeshua,(...)
  • The Cosmic Christ is an Ascended Master of the Cosmic Council or Great White Brotherhood. He has been known in various embodiments and expressions, including Jesus or Yeshua. He is a member of the Blue Ray Alliance. Yeshua,(...)
  • The law of attraction is our use of the Universe’s creative power to manifest. We attract situations, people, ideas, and circumstances and manifest our lives through this magnetic power through our minds, thoughts, and imagination.
  • The law of vibration is one of the fundamental laws of the Universe. It instructs that everything moves, nothing rests, and we live in a tapestry of motion. Everything is energy and an expression of God or Source, and the only difference is that it vibrates at a different rate. The vibration(...)
  • Lemuria is generally considered a land civilized by early humans that became lost during Earth’s changes. It is where (on Earth) Source initially separated from Itself, creating the first step-down as the Lemurians and began the experiment of intentionally descending into lower dimensions to(...)
  • Ley lines are a series of metaphysical connections linking sacred sites worldwide. These lines form a grid or matrix and are composed of the Earth’s natural energies.
  • Light is divine energy, and as it emanates and moves in all directions, it is one of the guiding factors in our soul expansion, not just our consciousness, and may sometimes be called Spirit.
  • Light is divine energy, and as it emanates and moves in all directions, it is one of the guiding factors in our soul expansion, not just our consciousness, and may sometimes be called Spirit.
  • The light body (lightbody) is the multi-level human energy field or auric body that extends our Consciousness through a holographic-like model or template, creating the illusion of physical manifestations people experience. The multiple-level energy field holds awareness throughout time and(...)
  • The light body (lightbody) is the multi-level human energy field or auric body that extends our Consciousness through a holographic-like model or template, creating the illusion of physical manifestations people experience. The multiple-level energy field holds awareness throughout time and(...)
  • Light Language is an ancient sacred code of Sound and Light. It is a multidimensional language that all lifeforms understand at the soul level and adjusts to each person’s vibrational needs, initiating activation, balancing, clearing, and aligning to a new vibration of Wholeness. What is(...)
  • Lightworkers are beings here to assist with the awakening in many different capacities. Like all humans, their blueprints are unique. Some are here to awaken first to reach a critical mass (the hundredth-monkey effect) and trigger global awakening. Others may be here to be victims,(...)
  • A dream is considered lucid when the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can control the dream’s events. In lucid dreaming, the dreamer may ask for the dream’s meaning or message. What is Lucid Dreaming?
  • The Magdalenes were a group of Essenes that included Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Yeshua, Miriam (Yeshua’s cousin), Anna (Yeshua’s grandmother), Sar’h, and others. This secretive group brought in a new awareness that one can experience one’s higher self and sovereignty in physicality. The(...)
  • Mandela effect is a term coined by Fiona Broom when she had the memory (and others) that Nelson Mandela had died in the 1980s while in prison, not in 2013. The false memories are caused by timelines converging, and when humanity engages with the changes, the energies and convergence change.
  • Magdalene (Magdalen) is an Ascended Master of the Cosmic Council, known in multiple embodiments, including the Essene called Mary Magdalene, the consort of Jesus, a master teacher. She is the Divine Feminine, and Gaia, planet Earth, is an aspect of Magdalene. She is a member of the Blue Ray(...)
  • The Master Blueprint is the Prime Creator’s plan set at the beginning of the universe’s creation, also called the Golden Age’s master plan. The plan was for Source to experience physicality by descending the dimensions and returning to higher vibrations, lifting the world from duality into(...)
  • Melchizedek is an Ascended Master of the Cosmic Council. Much mystery remains on who Melchizedek is, though some suggest he is the king of righteousness, king of Salem, and the priest of the highest God. Others believe he was either Noah’s son or grandson (from the biblical story of Noah and(...)
  • The Merkaba (Mer Ka Ba or Merkabah) translates to light, spirit, body. It is a higher energy field that surrounds the body beyond the auric field. It is Divine Light (energy) and in everything. The Merkabah symbol is two intersecting tetrahedrons that spin in opposite directions, creating a(...)
  • The Mitchell Hedges Skull is the only ancient crystal skull with a detachable jaw. It was carved from a single block of clear quartz, and there are no tool marks from its creation. Many believe that we do not have the technology today to create a skull with such precision. The skull was found(...)
  • Mother Mary (or Mother Ray) is an Ascended Master of the Cosmic Council, who is known in various embodiments, including the Essene known as Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus. She has embodied throughout many timelines to assist humanity in their spiritual evolution. She is a member of the Blue(...)
  • The soul or soul group is multidimensional, with other incarnations co-occurring in different dimensions or timelines. These multidimensional expressions are thought of as past, future, and present lives. These expressions include human, alien, angelic, elemental, animal, organic AI, and even(...)
  • The multiverse is multiple universes, also known as the omniverse, comprising all that exists: all space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that define them. Some universes are parallel to each other and referred to as parallel universes, subsets of the(...)
  • The multiverse is multiple universes, also known as the omniverse, comprising all that exists: all space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that define them. Some universes are parallel to each other and referred to as parallel universes, subsets of the(...)
  • Mythology offers a metaphor to convey a fundamental understanding when no words or concepts explain the Truth thoroughly. It does not mean the myth is false; it provides a rudimentary expression of Truth. Humans can also empower the tale in consciousness with focused energy manifesting it into(...)
  • Different generations of Starseeds have embodied to assist humanity’s spiritual evolution. They are the Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, Diamond Children, and Gold Children. See “Starseeds.” See Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, Diamond Children, Gold(...)
  • The New Earth is the experience of the next evolutionary step for humanity and part of the Master Blueprint. Humanity agreed to this experience. The experience is coherence, matching the vibrational patterns of the Earth’s growth and all within it. It is the experience of being in sync or(...)
  • The New Earth is the experience of the next evolutionary step for humanity and part of the Master Blueprint. Humanity agreed to this experience. The experience is coherence, matching the vibrational patterns of the Earth’s growth and all within it. It is the experience of being in sync or(...)
  • The New Human represents those humans going through the consciousness shift. There is a symbiotic relationship between New Humans and New Earth. They induce each other. The New Human clears themselves of the veil of consciousness, acknowledges their sovereignty, and awakens as energetic beings(...)
  • Nibiru is the home of the Anunnaki, and while some speculate it to be a planet (Planet X), it is a remnant of a celestial body that was engineered to serve as a battlestar. Also, consider the possibility that there are more than one of these battlestars. What is Nibiru?
  • Nibiru is the home of the Anunnaki, and while some speculate it to be a planet (Planet X), it is a remnant of a celestial body that was engineered to serve as a battlestar. Also, consider the possibility that there are more than one of these battlestars. What is Nibiru?
  • Oneness is the experience of being whole with the Universe, being connected with everything in existence at every level, including the higher self. Sometimes, it is called unity, Christ Consciousness, or enlightenment.
  • Undetectable universes exist in parallel and are subsets of the multiverse. We create alternate or parallel lifetimes anytime we put energy into deciding something. These alternate universes provide opportunities to maximize our life experiences. See “multiverse” and "Mandela effect."
  • Everything has an opposite: negative and positive, masculine and feminine, light and dark, action and reaction, and they attract each other. The two poles are complementary forces that work together to create a balance. Polarities occur so that Source can experience more of Itself. See(...)
  • The precession of the equinoxes occurred on December 21, 2012. At that time, the sun, earth, and the center of the galaxy were aligned, and with this event came the close of the Mayan calendar, ending a 25,625-year cycle. What most don’t realize is that it is a cycle, and once it ends, we(...)
  • There was a cataclysmic failure in the early 21st century that destroyed Earth. Many of the planet’s occupants had not healed from the significant soul scars from other planetary catastrophes on Avyon, Avalon, and Maldek. Rather than humans achieving the anticipated ascension, they once again(...)
  • A psychic medium is a specific type of psychic that mediates communication between individuals and spirits or other-dimensional entities. They may retain awareness of the events, whereas a trance medium generally goes into a trance, and when coming out of the trance, they are usually unaware(...)
  • A psychic medium is a specific type of psychic that mediates communication between individuals and spirits or other-dimensional entities. They may retain awareness of the events, whereas a trance medium generally goes into a trance, and when coming out of the trance, they are usually unaware(...)
  • Pure Autists (a.k.a. Autists) energy has existed on Earth since Lemuria. Today, many lightly connect to their physicality, which manifests in various ways, like communication disabilities. Nevertheless, they are far from disabled and have expanded consciousness. There is a spectrum within(...)
  • Crystal Children are second-generation New Children. These children or individuals started coming in during the mid-nineties and are still incarnating. They are here to usher the world into the New Earth by showing how people can live in peace, kindness, and love. They are full of integrity(...)
  • Resurrection is when a person rises to the higher realms after physical death, while ascension is experiencing the higher realms in life.
  • Sacred sites are areas around the world that connect to the Christ Consciousness or Crystalline Grid. One may think of this as where Earth’s vortexes or ley lines come together. Lightworkers are called to visit sacred sites around the world so that they will sit in the energy of the three(...)
  • Serendipity is an event or situation that unfolds seemingly by accident or chance, which results in unexpected good, something beneficial, or a favorable outcome. It is the Universe’s way of getting your attention and sending a sign to guide you. What does it mean to have serendipity?
  • Serendipity is an event or situation that unfolds seemingly by accident or chance, which results in unexpected good, something beneficial, or a favorable outcome. It is the Universe’s way of getting your attention and sending a sign to guide you. What does it mean to have serendipity?
  • Sovereign is the supreme power of having mastery of one’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and perceptions and understands they have a choice and free will.  
  • Sovereignty is the power one has to be sovereign. See "sovereignty."
  • Space-time is a system combining the three dimensions of space (up and down, left and right, forward and backward) and time, and is where physicality and events exist. One may consider them fourth-dimensional coordinates.
  • Spiritual energy grids or planetary grids are etheric crystalline structures of electromagnetic fields, templates, or matrixes covering the Earth and hold consciousness for a species. Each living species, including Mother Gaia, has a grid. There are three different planetary grids for(...)
  • Spiritual energy grids or planetary grids are etheric crystalline structures of electromagnetic fields, templates, or matrixes covering the Earth and hold consciousness for a species. Each living species, including Mother Gaia, has a grid. There are three different planetary grids for(...)
  • The spiritual war is the age-old battle between Light and Darkness. It has occurred since Lemuria when a group separated to remain in control of humanity. How does it play out today? Some music, movies, TV, media, social media, and certain drugs are designed to distract us, thus keeping(...)
  • Starseeds incarnate in human form from other worlds, dimensions, and star systems and are often referred to as aliens. They walk among us as humans. Some may know they are aliens or Starseeds, while others are clueless. Starseeds are often Lightworkers serving in the spiritual evolution of the(...)
  • Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence orchestrated by the Universe to provide guidance, a message, or confirmation that one is on the right path. Each person can work with synchronicity to improve their life and guide them toward their Divine Blueprint. What does it mean to have synchronicity?
  • Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence orchestrated by the Universe to provide guidance, a message, or confirmation that one is on the right path. Each person can work with synchronicity to improve their life and guide them toward their Divine Blueprint. What does it mean to have synchronicity?
  • "The awakening” is the slow dissolution of the veil of consciousness, which triggers various types of awakenings in our lives.
  • The third dimension is the realm in which humankind lives, which is very dense and has a condensed consciousness. Each increasing level of dimension has rising awareness, frequency, and vibration. What is the Third Dimension (3D)? The 3D is a playground for the human experience. The 5D is(...)
  • The third dimension is the realm in which humankind lives, which is very dense and has a condensed consciousness. Each increasing level of dimension has rising awareness, frequency, and vibration. What is the Third Dimension (3D)? The 3D is a playground for the human experience. The 5D is(...)
  • In Atlantis, 13 crystal skulls contained the consciousness, knowledge, and wisdom of everything since the beginning of humanoid forms on Earth, over 250,000 years ago. This information included the Divine Blueprint of humanity, humanity’s origin, purpose, destiny, and spiritual knowledge that(...)
  • In Atlantis, 13 crystal skulls contained the consciousness, knowledge, and wisdom of everything since the beginning of humanoid forms on Earth, over 250,000 years ago. This information included the Divine Blueprint of humanity, humanity’s origin, purpose, destiny, and spiritual knowledge that(...)
  • Thoth is a higher dimensional being known during ancient Egyptian time as a god. He was also known as the Sumerian god, Ningishzidda, the Greek god, Hermes, and Hermes Trismegistus, the author of the Emerald Tablet. They were all the same being, and he was Anunnaki. Anticipating the fall of(...)
  • Thoth is a higher dimensional being known during ancient Egyptian time as a god. He was also known as the Sumerian god, Ningishzidda, the Greek god, Hermes, and Hermes Trismegistus, the author of the Emerald Tablet. They were all the same being, and he was Anunnaki. Anticipating the fall of(...)
  • Thoth is a higher dimensional being known during ancient Egyptian time as a god. He was also known as the Sumerian god, Ningishzidda, the Greek god, Hermes, and Hermes Trismegistus, the author of the Emerald Tablet. They were all the same being, and he was Anunnaki. Anticipating the fall of(...)
  • Thoth is a higher dimensional being known during ancient Egyptian time as a god. He was also known as the Sumerian god, Ningishzidda, the Greek god, Hermes, and Hermes Trismegistus, the author of the Emerald Tablet. They were all the same being, and he was Anunnaki. Anticipating the fall of(...)
  • In this multiverse, Tiamat is a planet pulverized during the Anunnaki-Reptilian wars, and half of the planet became fragmented, remaining in the asteroid belt. The other half exists today as Earth. Planet Tiamat Given that we live in a multiverse, the planet exists whole in different(...)
  • Space and time are interchangeable. While space-time is what we experience in the third dimension, we encounter time-space if we pierce the veil of consciousness. In this case, we’d experience the continuous loop of the three dimensions of time (past, present, future), where all time is one.
  • The veil of consciousness is amnesia. Humanity forgot its divinity. It is that we are ignorant of our Higher Self. It was put in place by those wanting to control humanity. Removing it is tricky and must be slow because humanity is not ready for the truth. Even those who claim to see beyond(...)
  • The term walk-in is a soul exchange. It refers to a situation where a person’s original soul, Spark of Life, departs their body (walks out) and is replaced with a new, often (but not always) more advanced soul. Sometimes, soul braiding occurs where either a higher aspect of the same soul or an(...)
  • The term walk-in is a soul exchange. It refers to a situation where a person’s original soul, Spark of Life, departs their body (walks out) and is replaced with a new, often (but not always) more advanced soul. Sometimes, soul braiding occurs where either a higher aspect of the same soul or an(...)
  • Often the term "watchers" is referred to as angels, particularly the archangels, who watch over humanity. Alternatively, watchers are attributed to fallen angels, and there are references to watchers in sacred texts, including the Book of Daniel as well as the Book of Enoch, where the watchers(...)