Category Archives: spirituality

American Book Fest Award-Winning Finalist in Spirituality

I’m happy to announce that Destination New Earth: A Blueprint to 5D Consciousness is an American Book Fest Award-Winning Finalist in spirituality. American Book Fest Award-Winning Finalist in Spirituality Since 2004 American Book Fest has celebrated the written word in fiction and non-fiction. The New Earth is here. Are you looking in the right direction?…

What is synchronicity? How can we use it?

What is synchronicity? Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence or a series of two or more occurrences that are logically meaningful to the person when it happens and may even seem a bit mysterious or unexplainable.


When the Universe Conspires

When the Universe conspires against you or life offers insistent challenge or conflict in a specific area, could it be Spirit's way of guiding you to another direction? Could interference from the Universe, or spiritual turbulence, be an indicator to take a timeout? While most would suggest that persistence overcomes resistance, I say there's a time to cry uncle and listen for a higher message.
