Category Archives: Alex’s Chronicles

American Book Fest Award-Winning Finalist in Spirituality

I’m happy to announce that Destination New Earth: A Blueprint to 5D Consciousness is an American Book Fest Award-Winning Finalist in spirituality. American Book Fest Award-Winning Finalist in Spirituality Since 2004 American Book Fest has celebrated the written word in fiction and non-fiction. The New Earth is here. Are you looking in the right direction?…

Cathar Treasures and the Magdalenes

As a bit of a departure from my usual blogs, I thought I’d share a personal experience involving the magic and mystery of the Magdalenes while researching "Destination New Earth" and "The Unsuspected Heroes" while I was in France.


What Happened to Alex Marcoux?

Alex Marcoux, after years of silence, shares how her friendship with nonverbal autistics inspires her forthcoming series, “A Journey to the New Earth.”
