Daniel makes a surprising post advising the spiritual community and leaders to stop being close-minded. He specifically calls out spiritual leaders and urges them to be more open to the idea that they do not have all the answers. Daniel warns that their closed-mindedness could hinder their own and followers' personal growth. Additionally, he cautions that some teachings may have been infiltrated by negative influences.
Daniel: Don’t be right, be open.
I want to rant about human consciousness, specifically the spiritual community. There are so many false teachings, and the Shades have infiltrated a huge part of it. People need to stop being right and just be open.
Let’s talk about “rightness.” Rightness is just as limiting as beliefs. The belief that one is right keeps one stunted on every level. Don’t be right, be open. Don’t get me wrong, information needs to be transmitted, and the receivers of the transmissions just need to remain open.
It is not a coincidence that rightness sounds like righteousness. There is no need for rightness and righteousness. I have been guilty of that and see the significance of keeping my feet on the ground. My idea of rightness is that I must peek, not just in the spiritual community but in society in general.
I can feel the conflict in society. Many of us Autists can. It sends some of us into meltdowns.
Rightness leads to judgment.
See life through a prism. There are a variety of truths, and all that is needed is openness.
The energy of rightness is very tight and restricting. Rightness leads to judgment, which contributes to the tightness. We have to stop being right and start being more open.
I have discussed the importance of openness before, but it is really needed now. There are plenty of great spiritual teachers out there. There are many possibilities before everybody, before every single individual.
All the bickering about who is right is being brought forward to hold it in humanity’s consciousness. We Autists are innocent bystanders in this spiritual war, and we are in the way of these ideological bullets, sending us into panic mode. Bringing this into humanity’s consciousness lightens the load for the Autists who are affected by it. That realization can also lighten the load and heart of the individual and may even unlock the key to evolution.
We have to bring the energy of openness forward, the idea of acceptance. Rightness can mislead and even kill. Allow people to walk down the wrong path. Allow them to judge. Allow them to be misled. Being open to everything we think is true or right is only a drop in the bucket of human consciousness.
Spiritual Leaders: You are only hitting a small piece of a large target.
I see it all throughout society, but I focus on the spiritual community because I feel like I am a leader in that community and try to help as many people as possible. We know this teaching already, but rightness is very tempting. You can be right about things, but it is only a small piece. There is a whole target that you are only hitting a small piece of. There is so much more to the target. Even if you hit a bullseye, there is still so much out there. Since we are all one, people who go down paths opposite to us affect us, not in a good or a bad way; it just does. So be open to all of it and release the restriction.
Connie’s Thoughts: The universe is in flux.
If I asked you how many individuals were in the car when JFK was assassinated, some of you may respond four, while others may respond six, depending on your experience due to the Mandela effect. What if I told you all responses to that question would be correct depending on your openness?
Sometimes, information is given in the spiritual community in a way that suggests it is the only way, and all other information out there is false. Meaning if you don’t do it this way, you are “wrong.”
One of my favorite sayings is to take what resonates and leave the rest behind. This saying is brilliant because it allows you to take the information you can digest at that time. It gives you permission not to be expected to agree with what you are receiving. It gives you permission to be unapologetically sovereign.
There is a feeling that spiritual leaders want us to accept their information as right. We mustn’t get caught up and twisted in all the information. I love how Daniel shared that even when you are right, you only get a small piece because there is so much more to the target.
We are currently going through an epic shift in consciousness. If you are sharing information to teach, please do so in an open way, and if you are receiving information, be open and sovereign. Beloveds, let’s do our best to share information with integrity and receive information with open curiosity and awareness that the universe is in flux and shifts happen.
No one has all the answers right now, and we don’t know how this will turn out. I think Daniel wanted this teaching shared to encourage more open connections as this raises the vibration of the planet. I like the idea of us brainstorming, sharing, and being open as we shift into the New Earth. We are Gods in the game with so much to share with one another.
Alex Marcoux: No one person has the whole picture.
This is an excellent lesson for me. When hearing another’s information that conflicts with the channeled material from our books, I have been guilty of disregarding it. I know better now. One cannot open one's heart unless one is willing to consider new ideas.
Connie is also correct. Never before in this universe has there been a collective shift in consciousness at this scale. What is happening is monumental, and no one person has all the answers.
On behalf of our small group, I extend a heartfelt invitation to the entire spiritual community and all spiritual leaders. Let’s work together, share our unique perspectives, be open, and collaborate to co-create a New Earth and usher in the New Human. This is not a competition but a collective mission to which we can all contribute.
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