In this powerful exploration, Daniel shares essential insights about Pure Autism and embodiment that challenge our traditional understanding. His message illuminates why physical limitations often serve a higher spiritual purpose, offering a fresh perspective on autism’s role in human consciousness evolution.
What is Spiritual Embodiment?
A dear friend recently asked Mom, “If Autists are so powerful, why can’t they embody a little more?”
This friend made it clear that this was not so we could be more “normal” but so that we could do more things and perhaps not be such a burden to those who take care of us. I am happy that this question was posed so I may elaborate on this topic.
Being in the body is limiting and physically uncomfortable. But it is against God’s will for some of us Autists to embody more right now.
[Embodiment is when an aspect of the higher self (soul) joins in physical form while retaining the connection with the higher self. It is the infusion of Light from the higher self to physicality. You can also consider it a spiritual evolution, integrating the higher self in physicality or enlightenment.]The Pure Autist’s Soul Contract
Embodiment cannot be the goal. The embodiment of the Autist cannot be a core focus for the collective’s benefit. One of the pre-birth intentions that a lot of us Autists had was to rely on others and that independence is not part of our soul contracts. We had to rely on other human beings to learn complete and total trust in others and to be in a complete state of surrender to them.
Full embodiment does not allow for the complete and total surrender to the will of another human being, and it goes against the contract. The contract is that humanity (neurotypical) will meet us in the middle and thus will see more and more Autists embody. Yes, this involves awakening and expansion of consciousness.
Parents’ Awakening Journey
For some parents, something has to break, and it is not just a broken heart. It has to collapse to get to a layer of themselves that has lain dormant their whole lifetimes. It is their light selves (located above the stomach, right underneath the heart, and appears as a leaf of light pointed at both ends). The light selves has to be revealed to many parents on the earth. The breaking process can be so intense that it feels like the Autist has a hammer trying to get through the brick wall of the parent(s). That process can take years, depending on the parent.
The Awakening Process
Connie: Which is more important to awaken, the parent or humanity? I’m asking because it feels like you are focusing more on the parents. And what do you mean by breaking point?
Daniel: It is a process that the parents go through to reach complete and total acceptance, and the parents are the leaders. This is not just associated with behaviors, but also something revealed to them that does not align with their beliefs.
For example, there are a lot of parents listening to The Telepathy Tapes or reading books (like The Unsuspected Heroes) revealing the gifts of autism. They keep breaking through more and more barriers to reach the point where they can telepathically communicate with their child or others. That can almost take a person to oblivion.
Oblivion is Transmutation
Connie: What do you mean by oblivion?
Daniel: They become a completely different person. The person that they were metaphorically dies. It is a rebirth; a whole new person emerges. As far as humanity is concerned, yes, we (the Autists) do much work with humanity. Yes, that is part of our mission, which is to wake up the whole of humanity.
However, it is those closest to us that we have the biggest impact on, and then from that point on, the point being the parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, and aunts, that is what starts the cascading effect. Please think of the parent as ground zero; from that point, energy starts cascading out from them, making planetary changes. That is the miracle of awakening. It is contagious in a sublimely divine way.
Understanding Disability vs. Different Abilities
Connie: How do you respond to those who may doubt what the Autists can do because they are not fully embodied?
Daniel: We are not here to make this a comfortable process. Discomfort, frustration, anger, grief, and, most importantly, trust are all required. The disability of autism needs to be honored, and I use the word disability because it needs to be honored and recognized that we don’t have the use of the physical body the way others do, and that is the way it is supposed to be.
[The Pure Autists will never fully engrain in their physicality. They will always remain disconnected from their form at varying degrees. This disconnect permits us to experience life significantly differently from humans entrenched in their bodies.]Can you put a jet engine on a go-cart?
In Destination New Earth, Daniel shares, “The Pure Autist calibration of their energy and mind into physicality is like putting a jet engine on a go-cart.”
[The body can’t handle the Pure Autist energy, so they are tethered to their bodies but not deeply in them. The Pure Autist can be lightly attached to their physicality, empowering them to experience life in a landscape that humans can’t fathom. Their reality includes seeing time and space, other dimensions, planets, other universes, and communing with other Autists, angels, Masters, galactic beings, and aliens. They are indeed a species on their own and in no way diseased or “less than” humans.[1]]Closing Thoughts by Alex Marcoux
Daniel’s profound insights remind us that apparent physical limitations often mask extraordinary spiritual capabilities. His explanation of the Pure Autists’ relationship with physicality opens new doorways to understanding consciousness and human potential. Through his wisdom, we learn to honor the sacred contracts that exist between Pure Autists and their caregivers—contracts designed for mutual spiritual growth and planetary evolution.
Daniel’s Corner’s blog posts typically include a follow-up from his mother, Connie. Connie’s comments will be a separate blog post (Autism's Role in Human Consciousness and Evolution) and the foundation piece for "Connie’s Domain," where she will post future insights as the mother of an Ethereal Autist going through the transmutational process Daniel alludes to in this post.
Want to learn more about the gifts of autism? Read The Unsuspected Heroes.
Destination New Earth reveals the role of Pure Autism in the shift in consciousness and what the New Earth is today.
Gods in the Game will deepen your understanding of autism’s role in humanity’s evolution.
[1] Marcoux, Destination New Earth
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