What is spiritual ascension, and is humanity currently facing it in mass? Most agree that change is in the air; many feel we are on the brink of something radical. We are. I hear people suggest that we’re waiting for a mass ascension. But is it ascension? And will it occur on September 1, 2024?
What is Spiritual Ascension?
While writing Gods in the Game, Cerian, the 16th-dimensional collective, was very particular about ascension versus enlightenment, awakening, and the consciousness shift. We explore this in our new book. The skinny is that in some earlier mass ascensions, the individuals left the planet and returned to Source. Their bodies died, and the energy was harvested.
One may wonder if that is what humanity faces, but that is not what our work has concluded: we are here to experience a collective shift in consciousness … but will there be ascension?
Spiritual Ascension and September 1
Recently, Daniel mentioned that there will be ascensions along the way in this consciousness shift. Shortly after that, Nick, a nonspeaking man with autism, had his mother, Laura, message our group that the ascension was September 1, 2024. This information was shared with Shauna Kalicki, who received messages from Mother Mary and Yeshua about this unique ascension point and wrote about it in her recent blog.
Mother Mary and Yeshua shared that there would be ascension points, and Daniel calls them ascension spikes that offer an upgrade, allowing us to access more of the New Earth energies. The Masters and Daniel agree that what will occur on September 1 is significant, though they caution that not everyone will realize something is happening.
An Evolution of Awakening
Daniel, Mother Mary, and Yeshua agree that those impacted by the September 1 upgrade will not leave the planet. Contrary to other mass ascension events, people experiencing it will not die and return to Source.
Daniel and the Masters also agree that what will occur on September 1 and subsequent ascension points/spikes is likened more to an evolution. However, Daniel suggests that it can be considered a type of ascension. He actually calls what will be occurring an “evolution of awakening.”
This complements Cerian's suggestion that during this consciousness shift, the awareness of the inner world is taken back to the soul when we transition.
They all agree that these ascension points will have multiple phases, and Daniel suggests that there are different types of ascensions. He even said one could think of it as a mass ascension but in segments.
Daniel, Yeshua, and Mother Mary suggest that not everyone will see it, experience it, or even know something is happening. In any case, Daniel said that whether you experience anything or not, your frequency will rise on September 1, 2024.
I was so surprised that Nick, Daniel, and the Ascended Masters agreed that September 1 is significant because, as I understand it, everything is in flux. Yet they were adamant that September 1 was a key date.
How should you face September 1?
How should you face September 1? With an open heart, being nonjudgemental, and being your authentic self. Keep in mind that if anything occurs, it will come from within. Do not look outward. It will always come from within, and it is self-realization. From Destination New Earth:
The New Earth is not outside of you. It is your awareness of your own magnificence and Divinity that’ll shift you into the New Earth. It will never come from the outside. It always comes from within, so stop looking for a savior, for you are the savior. The New Earth is within each of us. It is your self-realization that you are God.”
The New Earth is not a physical place outside of you. It is a state of consciousness that can be achieved when becoming aware of your magnificence and divinity.
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