Could September 1, 2024, be the ascension? When given a message from an Autist about the ascension, Medium Shauna Kalicki brings in messages from Mother Mary and Yeshua.
From Alex Marcoux: Could September 1 be the ascension?
Recently, I received a message from Laura, the mother of Nick, an autistic man who is in the Autist Collective. The message stated that the ascension date would be September 1, preceded by a nova.
If you’ve read Gods in the Game, you may recall that humanity is ultimately here to experience a collective shift in consciousness. It’s our evolution. The collective shift will be preceded by Light Team members shifting first to trigger the shift. Yet even Daniel has recently indicated that before the collective shift, there may be some experiencing an ascension. Yes, there is a difference between ascension and a shift in consciousness, although they are often thought of similarly.
So when this message from Nick came to me, I was curious about it. I called Shauna Kalicki, the medium who accessed much of the information in Destination New Earth and Gods in the Game. Shauna communicates with the Ethereal Autists, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and a 16th-dimensional collective. I asked her if she could get more information about the September 1 “ascension.”
She agreed to check in with the “team” and had an engaging conversation with Mother Mary and Yeshua, which she shares here.
From Shauna Kalicki: Mother Mary and Yeshua on the Ascension
I am so grateful to have the experience of conversing with many extraordinary beings and energies. The following information was from Mother Mary and Yeshua.
They said people have been discussing the ascension coming soon as we have experienced so many energetic shifts and activities in the last several years. For example, the Schumann Resonance is spiking unlike anything we have experienced before; unprecedented solar flares; planetary alignments coming home to their origin of birth after hundreds and sometimes thousands of years; chaos within the infrastructure of the United States; wars; planet Earth and humanity moving into the age of Aquarius; discoveries of dwarf planets in our solar system; the intelligence of nature and how to use Scalar energies to heal and align the body and Chakras.
These energetic shifts and activities have slowly been coming to Earth since 2012 and have been raising Earth’s energy, frequency, vibration, and everything in, on, and around it, including humanity. Over the last four years, this activity has accelerated, changing our physical structure and the lifeforce that is available to us. (That lifeforce has always been here, but our bodies and thinking were not ready to access it.)
These energetic changes are assisting humanity in “maturing” our understanding of our interconnectedness with All That Is and how we fit into this hologram of Life. We are opening to new possibilities of connecting with nature and understanding how to partner with it. This, in turn, uncovers energetic connections, communication, and insights into working with all the expressions of life and co-creating the New Earth within this hologram.
As humanity truly understands the lifeforce and intelligence of our planet and how it expresses through all the various life forms, collectively, as a unified consciousness, we begin our ascension. However, humanity is not leaving this planet. Rather, we are being shown how to embrace our place and role in this hologram and work with this lifeforce to create a new hologram of love, peace, connection, sharing, global community, and respect. We are part of something far greater than what we can understand. Having faith in ourselves, humanity, and the intelligence of the ALL encourages co-creating a new reality, a new hologram.
Ascension Point Offers Upgrade
Yes, September 1, 2024, is what one may refer to as an ascension point, but not for humanity to leave the planet. Also, this is not the first ascension point and won’t be the last. It offers an upgrade to allow us to access more of the Divine Feminine, Lemurian, 5D, Dragon, Elemental, or New Earth Energy frequencies. This will be a well-needed light to assist with some dark times ahead, and all are encouraged to go within to access the energy and co-create your New Earth.
12 Tips to Dive into Your Magnificence
Not everyone will choose to access the New Earth frequencies. It is not in everyone’s Divine Blueprint. But here are some practical ways we can connect with these New Earth energies:
- Get into nature (hike, bike, camp, picnic, etc.)
- Journal.
- Take walks in your local parks.
Put your bare feet on the Earth.
- Meditate.
- Give thanks for your food and water.
- Say “I Love you” to your family and friends.
- Plant a small garden or have a living plant(s) in your home. Talk to them and acknowledge them.
- If you are a steward of an animal, acknowledge them as part of your family and take good care of them.
- Take time out of your day to breathe deeply and thank yourself for being here in the now.
- Chaos is necessary for change. Embrace it and live in the leap
- Know you are magnificent!
From Alex: Could this be the end of the game?
I do not believe that this ascension point that Mother Mary and Yeshua speak of will be the collective shift in consciousness or ascension where humanity is removed from the planet and returns to Source—but could it be? Sure. The simple truth is that no one person has all the answers. I will remain curious and open to what happens.
It feels like a time for us to hunker down, own that we are the ones we’ve waited for, and hone our creation skills, for we are the co-creators of our New Earth. And could it be the end of the game or the Dead Game that Daniel writes about?
A special thanks to the Autist Nick and his mother, Laura, for bringing us the information that sparked the conversation with Mother Mary and Yeshua.
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