Humanity is awakening to Ancient Energy. It is time for us to remember our Divine Blueprint and use this powerful energy again. Come home to your inner nature and Re-member (return to the One). Remember that we are all energy, light, and pure Consciousness; Remember, we are Creators; Remember, when we embrace our Divine Blueprint, we are in the flow of Love. It is from here we awaken ourselves and each other.
Each of Us has a Role
We are being called to remember who we are and to help Gaia steward the ancient energy needed to assist humanity in our awakening. She has agreed to host and birth the awareness of the New Earth into being; this is part of her path.
Each of us, when going within, is asked first to remember our role in this shift and awaken to our unique Divine Blueprint, resonance, or Truth, the highest fulfillment of our divine eternal nature. And second, to hold the intention of creating harmonic energy that resonates to our long-ago frequency of Being, our soul’s note.

Shauna Kalicki in a ceremony on Mount Bugarach (France) in 2016
Lemuria Consciousness Calling
In 2019, I worked with the ancient energy from Lemuria, and I needed to understand it better. Over the week, I kept getting a message that I was to do a private ceremony outside, under the moon, on the summer solstice from 10 PM until midnight. I set up for the ceremony, entered the circle, and opened myself to experience what would unfold.
Toward the end of the ceremony, I felt a presence behind me and a light touch on my left shoulder and heard these words, “There is nothing stronger than Love, nothing! Love transmutes everything.” This powerful experience embraced me for a few minutes, and as a gentle breeze passed, I heard “Sophic Energy,” and then the experience left.
I did not fully understand the power of those words until I was working with some negative energy in my life, and those words popped into my mind. Over the next several days, I directed Love towards this energy, resolving the situation within the week.
Ancient Knowledge Awakening
During subsequent meditations, I learned that it is not that humanity does not know this energy; but that the memory was programmed to awaken from a deep slumber when humanity’s awareness and body were mature enough to work with it.
I wanted to understand this better and jumped into my research. While researching, I found information from the HeartMath Institute that the heart produces an electromagnetic field 5,000 times more extensive and more powerful than the brain. I also discovered this energy is Christic Energy or Consciousness, Lemurian Energy, Unity Consciousness, the All, and the Sophia Energy, or Consciousness of Creation and Divine Love.
Self Love or Unconditional Love is the Power
As we embrace this ancient energy and become familiar with its frequency, we embrace our true nature of self-expression, the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of this Consciousness. When we experience or feel the truth of this Consciousness, our connection expands with all of life to assist with humanity’s ascension. We strengthen our relationship with the very essence of life itself and bind together our energy to create beauty, purity, and lightness of being.
What is Your Role in the Shift to the New Earth?
For the creation of Destination New Earth: A Blueprint to 5D Consciousness I channeled messages from Mother Mary, Cerian, Daniel (an Ethereal Autists), and others to help you understand the New Earth and how significant you are to our current planetary shift in consciousness.
Each person has a unique spiritual blueprint and role in this shift. You are important to this ascension of humanity. You are the only one who can determine your purpose. The best gift you can give yourself and the world is to live authentically, live your Truth, see the Truth of others, and remain in nonjudgment as you permit them to have their own consciousness."
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