Fear is a Weapon in this Spiritual War to Stop the Ascension

At a time when humanity faces the greatest unknown, an ascension, or planetary shift in consciousness, Ethereal Autist Daniel warns that fear is a weapon in this spiritual war.

What is fear?

Fear deals with the unknown and the known. It keeps humans stagnated. Fear involves the knowledge of struggle, impending pain, change, or even the fear of oblivion. It is a state of mind, a state of being that involves two different things. One thing is survival, the instinct we have to avoid death or to stay away from danger. The second is the flight or fight response. The survival part is intact for a reason. It keeps us out of harm’s way. That is called healthy fear.

The Unhealthy Fear: Flight or Fight

Connie and Autist Daniel from Destination New Earth and Gods in the Game

Daniel and Connie

I want to focus on the unhealthy fear, the flight or fight fear. This is where the shades (Controllers) want us to be constantly. This is a long-held frequency on Earth and was put in place by the shades. They want us to succumb to the fear. They want us to fear everything. They create circumstances where fear is inevitable, like war.

It even goes down to the level where the shades have people fear their thoughts and choices and that everything they do will be wrong or contain disappointment. Fear is so multi-faceted.

As the ascension continues, the sadness and the anger will be enveloped and encompassed by fear. As you read these words, bring peace into your mind and consciousness. I want peace to be present in this conversation.

First, let’s talk about the fear of the unknown because that is what the ascension is. It is the ultimate unknown. Then, we will talk about the fear of the known.

Fear of the Unknown

When there is fear of the unknown, humans start to make up stories about what will happen, what is happening, or what happened in the past that they don’t know about. They start making these things up, and then those fears begin to manifest in different forms. These fears start growing like weeds based on unknowns and things that are probably not happening.

Destination New Earth: A Blueprint to 5D Consciousness

Learn more of Daniel's teachings in Destination New Earth.

That is one of the easiest things the shades do by keeping humanity in the dark and the unknown. Thus, people start making things up that can manifest, which I call “distorted manifestations.” Unfortunately, these distortions will keep the never-ending duality loop in the game continuing. When things are unknown, keep them that way only when fear is present.

Please keep seeking and looking for answers, but in a space of peace and conscious curiosity. Peace is embedded in the unknown. When there is fear involved, things can get really messy. They can even get dangerous! When we feel fear, we stay in the unknown. Unknown fear is an empty space; it is nothing, it is no-thing.

When you think of wars, natural disasters, and the really dark aspects of human existence on Earth and want to pray to help this, you can either say (or think) to yourself, “May the unknown prevail.” We can take it a little bit further, imprint the word unknown, and make it synonymous with peace because, plain and simple, the unknown is peace. When saying, “May the unknown prevail,” you are also saying, “Let peace prevail,” without even saying it. This blessing can be sent out to all in fear, including yourself.

Fear of the Known

There is still a little bit of an element of the unknown when it comes to the known regarding fear. An example would be if someone is terminally ill, the known is death, but death in and of itself is unknown. We don’t know what actually happens when we leave the body. We certainly have ideas or previews (preconceptions) of it, but in the actual experience, one has no idea, even though the concept of death is known.

We know war is happening (known), but the end result is unknown. The knowns are signals for fear. These knowns that the shades manifest all around us are markers for fear. The prayer for this is: “May the known be known” because certain knowns are feared right now.

This will start to alleviate the fear around you, such as the fear of a vaccine, the fear of natural disasters, the fear of war, climate change, or whatever it is you are afraid of.

I want to alleviate fear. Fear has had a grip on humanity for millennia. It is time to loosen the grip. Both prayers for the known and the unknown can be combined by saying, “May the unknown prevail, and may the known be known.”

This focus will assist in lessening the grip on humanity. Next time you experience fear, don’t forget to breathe and know that all is well. Everything is always okay. We can reassure humanity by just knowing for ourselves that everything is OK, and it is always OK.

We are talking about the soul level because everyone is always okay. All of this other stuff is just the game! Know that everyone in distress, pain, fear, anger, grief, or sadness is OK; we are all okay. We are safe and held by the Gods. They have not left us.

More fear is gearing up in the collective.

A lot of things that are happening have invoked fear. For example, when the recent war just broke out, the human collective became inflamed, and there are pockets of inflammation all over.  On an individual basis, people also experience fear for different reasons, and fear will also be part of the ascension. People fear anger. Anger is a teacher; however, fear is not a teacher.

What do you mean by fear is not a teacher?

Fear is a program. Fear is nothing but shackles; it is not a teacher. It is one of my highest hopes to obliterate fear on this planet. There is no need for it! Fear is one of the most demonic things on this planet; it is not a teacher.

Anger and sadness are emotions; humans need anger and sadness, which is why there are teachings (Daniel’s Corner) on them. In my opinion, fear is not an emotion. It’s a state that has been forced upon us and should be obliterated. I want fear to disappear completely and forever. Fear keeps us in powerlessness and helplessness. Helplessness and powerlessness cause people to give up and give in. It even causes some to commit suicide. It creates deeper and deeper pain.

Fear not your own power!

Never second-guess your power! It is time to start believing in your power and your abilities. We are never without power! Fear is an element that strips power away. People give their power to fear; they sacrifice their power to fear. The shades have manifested many things to invoke fear; the mass shootings are an example.

Maintain your power.

Fear energy is pain energy, and that is why I am emphasizing peace.  When we feel peace, the shades cannot come in. Peace makes the shades powerless! They can try anything with us, but if we are in a peaceful state of mind and body, they can do us no harm. Maintain your peaceful power and know that you are not helpless. There is nothing to fear when we are in peace, and that is powerful!

The fear frequencies have been elevated on the planet and are getting higher and higher daily, which is why all matter should be infused with peace and joy. We have a long way to go before fear is obliterated, but I know it will happen. We are already in a state of “perfect,” but nobody can see it because we are so blinded by fear.

Anger and sadness fail in comparison to fear. The only thing we need to learn from fear is that it need not exist! I have had it with humanity’s state of fear. So may the known be known, and the unknown prevail!

Connie’s Thoughts:

Gods in the Game: Messages on the Awakening and Consciousness Shift

Learn more of Daniel's teachings in Gods in the Game.

As I thought about what I’d share on Daniel’s teaching regarding fear, I kept hearing: “What can you accomplish or manifest if fear did not exist.”

I think it is safe to say that many of us may have different lives if fear did not exist. So I say to you, my beautiful human family, know that fear is literally a weapon used against you in this spiritual war to keep us in compliance and to keep us distracted. I tell you to read Daniel’s teachings with peace and joy in your heart.

I am including a quote from a movie that I thought worked marvelously here. In this movie scene in which the statement is being said, the father is talking to his son over the radio. However, in this communication exchange, it appears he is looking directly at the camera and at us, the viewers. There is truth in movies, which would be a blog in itself; thus, I believe this to be an intentional action.

Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist… Do not misunderstand me; danger is very real, but fear is a choice."

Do not choose fear. It’s time to heal the hold that fear has had over us.


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