Category Archives: 5D

The Divine Blueprint, Our Mission and Purpose in Life

In the 90s, I began seeking my “mission in life.” Since then, I’ve learned that everyone has different purposes, called “callings” to do something. But everyone has the same “mission,” which is to live their Divine Blueprint.


Energetic Codebook Awakening Lightworkers

In this blog, Alex Marcoux reveals that Destination New Earth is a spiritual energy code book that is startling some, awakening others, and pushing buttons. “Destination New Earth” is a Codebook I am sharing something I haven’t shared with many about our latest book, Destination New Earth, which passed its one-year birthday last month. After…

Calling a New Breed of Heroes: The Lightworkers

The shift is in the air. Yes, I am talking about the planetary shift in consciousness, the vibrational shift from 3D to 5D, or the ascension. But there is another shift worthy of mention, the shift from the heroes of traditional warriors to the peaceful luminaries and lightworkers. Fear threatens the ascension. In an earlier…

This Life is a game: Solitaire—an explanation of Oneness

Could it be that life is a game, and the game is solitaire? At the end of the game, at curtain call, will we all be holding hands, fully aware that we are the One? With an intro like that, we need to dive deep, explaining Oneness, the definition of God, separating the lowercase “gods,” the Anunnaki, and “God.” We also need to clarify that the Lemurians were the first fractals of Source on Earth.


Humans are Multidimensional Beings (Sort of…)

Some suggest that humans are multidimensional beings having a human experience and that our world is an illusion. What is the relationship between multidimensional beings, the soul, Oversoul, and Source (God)?


Signs of End Times or the Dawn of the New Earth?

Has the world gone mad? COVID-19, vaccination mandates, natural disasters, climate change, war, economic crisis, nuclear threats, locusts, hunger, etc. Some would suggest these changes are signs of the end of days or end times. I suggest that there is another way of looking at it.
