616 Spiritual Awakening and Ascension Blog

Could gut feelings and hunches be messages from Spirit?

When we look back on situations in our life, hindsight often reveals that Spirit or the Universe has guided our way. Hindsight can confirm hunches or gut feelings we may have had were meaningful. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we honored those intuitive insights or psychic hits as the Universe’s message system as they happen, rather than waiting years later to recognize how Spirit guides us?


What is synchronicity? How can we use it?

What is synchronicity? Synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence or a series of two or more occurrences that are logically meaningful to the person when it happens and may even seem a bit mysterious or unexplainable.


When the Universe Conspires

When the Universe conspires against you or life offers insistent challenge or conflict in a specific area, could it be Spirit's way of guiding you to another direction? Could interference from the Universe, or spiritual turbulence, be an indicator to take a timeout? While most would suggest that persistence overcomes resistance, I say there's a time to cry uncle and listen for a higher message.
