Is it possible that autistic people are mystics, spiritual savants, or Lightworkers incognito? Alternatively, perhaps angels walking among us? Those following my blog know I don’t review books. But not too long ago I was privy to reading a pre-publication galley of a new book AWEtizm: A Hidden Key to Our Spiritual Magnificence. The book not only challenged the way I look at an autistic person, but also the way I look at this world.
AWEtizm: A Hidden Key to Our Spiritual Magnificence
AWEtizm puts a new spin on autism. It’s the journey of Gayle, a mother who has a daughter diagnosed with severe autism as an infant. With a recommendation that Lyrica is institutionalized, Gayle refuses to give up on her. Instead, she dedicates her life to reaching her daughter and understanding the disability. What she learns and shares in AWEtizm brings hope to a very misunderstood condition.
Their journey takes off when at age eight, Lyrica who was previously unreachable with no verbal communication skills and limited cognitive ability sits before a keyboard, and using an assisted typing method writes, “I am not retarded, I am intelligent.” Whoa! Gayle stumbled upon a way to communicate with her daughter and enters Lyrica’s world learning practical things like why autistic people avoid eye contact and why they have fits. What evolves further however goes beyond exploring the psyche of an individual with severe autism.
Autism Spirituality and Telepathy
When Lyrica shares wisdom beyond this world with her mother, it becomes apparent that Gayle is the student and Lyrica, the teacher. Gayle discovers her daughter has the abilities of soul traveling, telepathy, healing, embodying Oneness, and other mystical gifts sages experience. Lyrica also communicates with angels and spiritual beings of different dimensions.
Gayle takes her facilitated typing method to other autistic people and learns they too share some of Lyrica’s amazing gifts. What is inspirational and offers hope is that Lyrica shares her experience of breaking her barrier and provides a new take on life, “I love my new life in autism.” This love of life is shared not only in Gayle’s words but also in Lyrica’s, as mother and daughter co-author AWEtizm. Additionally, the contributions of three other autistic friends add depth and validate Lyrica’s insights, making this book like no other book on autism and no other book on spirituality.
To this reader and writer, it is apparent that AWEtizm is not a book about a disease. It is a book that shatters every traditional belief about how autistic people fit into this world. More importantly, when an autistic person’s barrier breaks what emerges is a spiritual savant who loves life knowing he or she is walking this planet with a purpose larger than life itself. Moreover, to those people around them sharing in this transformation (like Lyrica’s mother Gayle), they are blessed with spiritual awakening and miracles.
There are many messages within this book, and the writing is not always easy. Lyrica’s writing is rich in meaning and offers radical views about this world and how autistic people impact the spiritual evolution of our planet. I needed to read some of her chapters and meditate to grasp the messages’ meanings better. Could it be that autistic beings when activated are part of this shift everyone is talking about? Could it be that autistic people are Lightworkers incognito here to spark our spiritual magnificence?
AWEtizm: A Hidden Key to Our Spiritual Magnificence by Gayle Barkly Lee and Lyrica Mia Marquez is available on Amazon.
Photo Credit:
Phil Hatcher, Hatcher & Fell Photography
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