May these messages help you through this transition period from 3D to 5D as this level of the game concludes.
Dead Game – Part I

May these messages help you through this transition period from 3D to 5D as this level of the game concludes.
Unveiling the Manifestation Paradox: Can Positive Intentions Backfire? Discover the Wish-Ask-Receive Blueprint.
Whether you call them New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, Diamond Children, or Gold Children, these Starseeds or Star People are playing a roll in humanity’s spiritual evolution.
What is spiritual sovereignty? You are on the journey of awakening and remembering and claiming your sovereignty. You will not fully awaken if you don't claim it.
Why has the autism rate increased? The simple truth is it’s a mystery to the medical community, which can’t be solved by the head, only by the heart.
In this Q&A, Alex Marcoux answers, “What is the difference between the awakening and consciousness shift? And much more.
What happened to BACK TO SALEM, the film? Learn how Alex Marcoux got trapped in a lighthouse while navigating away from her Divine Blueprint.
In this blog, Daniel, a high vibrational Autist, delivers a personal message to his parents, encouraging them to look at sadness differently. With so much sadness in the world, he approved his message to be published for humanity, hoping it would benefit many.