Autistic Avatar

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There is a collective of autistics around the planet who help shift the frequency of Earth to impact a more significant population for spiritual ascension. They are the Awesome Ones or Autist Collective.

Thirty-six nonverbal Autistic Avatars (a/k/a Pure Autists) lead the autist-collective. Six of these Autistic Avatars are among the 36 Righteous Ones discussed in the Judaism tradition and remain hidden around the planet unknown to humankind. The 36 beings were prophesized to return to Earth in times of great peril to justify humanity’s existence. Unfortunately, the other 30 Righteous Ones have fallen in consciousness and created falsehoods throughout time to suppress and control humanity. The Autistic Avatars are the heroes attempting to dissolve the distortions created by their fallen brothers and sisters. See Galactic Suns.

“People need upgrades to get to the New Earth. Autistics can assist here.”

“People need upgrades to get to the New Earth. Autistics can assist here.”

Explore the Expanded Consciousness of Autism at

Photo by luizclas from Pexels

Autistic Mystic, autist collective, pure autist
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